The essence of all growth is a willingness to make a
change for the better and then an unremitting
willingness to shoulder whatever responsibility this
By the time I had reached Step Three I had been freed
of my dependence on alcohol, but bitter experience has
shown me that continuous sobriety requires continuous
effort. Every now and then I pause to take a good look
at my progress. More and more of my garden is weeded
each time I look, but each time I also find new weeds
sprouting where I thought I had made my final pass with
the blade. As I head back to get the newly sprouted
weed (it's easier when they are young), I take a moment
to admire how lush the growing vegetables and flowers
are, and my labors are rewarded. My sobriety grows and
bears fruit.
Twenty-Four Hours A Day
A.A. Thought For The Day
Having surrendered our lives to God and put our drink
problem in His Hands doesn't mean that we'll never be
tempted to drink. So we must build up strength for the
time when temptation will come. In this quiet time, we
read and pray and get our minds in the right mood for
the day. Starting the day right is a great help in keeping
sober. As the days go by and we get used to the sober
life, it gets easier and easier. We begin to develop a
deep gratitude to God for saving us from that old life.
And we begin to enjoy peace and serenity and real quiet
happiness. Am I trying to live the way God wants me to live?
Meditation For The Day
The elimination of selfishness is the key to happiness
and can only be accomplished with God's help. We start
out with a spark of the Divine Spirit but a large amount
of selfishness. As we grow and come in contact with other
people, we can take one of two paths. We can become more
and more selfish and practically extinguish the Divine
Spark within us or we can become more unselfish and develop
our spirituality until it becomes the most important thing
in our lives.
Prayer For The Day
I pray that I may grow more and more unselfish, honest, pure
and loving. I pray that I may take the right path every day.
As Bill Sees It
Free Of Dependence, p. 63
I asked myself, "Why can't the Twelve Steps work to release me
from this unbearable depression?" By the hour, I stared at the St.
Francis Prayer: "It is better to comfort than to be comforted."
Suddenly I realized what the answer might be. My basic flaw had
always been dependence on people or circumstances to supply me
with prestige, security, and confidence. Failing to get these things
according to my perfectionists dreams and specifications, I fought for
them. And when defeat came, so did my depression.
Reinforced by what grace I could find in prayer, I had to exert every
ounce of will and action to cut off these faulty emotional
dependencies upon people and upon circumstances. Then only could I
be free to love as Francis had loved.
Grapevine, January 1958
Walk in Dry Places
Don't feed the Habit _____ Enhancing Sobriety
We quickly learn that it's wrong to do anything that "feeds" a drinking
habit. A recovering person would be foolish, for example, to spend time
in a drinking environment simply to "be with friends."
It's constructive to take that same approach toward other problems we'd
like to get out of our lives. If gossip has been my problem, I
should not feed it by listening to gossip or even by reading gossipy
articles and books. IF I have accumulated debts through
overspending, I should cut off window shopping and other practices that
may bring on more unnecessary debt. And if I want to rid my life
of self-pity, I should not spend a single moment brooding over the bad
breaks I have had in the past.
Bad habits have a life of their own. They are somewhat like rodents
that have found their way into the house and have become star borders.
One way to control rodents is to eliminate their food supply.
That same principle applies to bad habits we want to eliminate from our
own lives.
I'll make a strong effort to cut off any line of thinking that feeds my
bad habits, whatever they are. This might include avoiding
practices that others see as harmless and trivial. However,
nothing is harmless or trivial if it has become destructive in my life.
Keep It Simple
Better bend than break.-------Scottish proverb
Our program is based on bending. We call it "surrender." We surrender
our self-will to the care of God. We do what we believe our Higher
Power want us to do. We learn this as an act of love.
Many of us believed surrender was a sign of weakness. We tried to
control everything. But we change as we're in the program longer and
longer. We learn to bend. We start to see that what is important is
learning. We learn to do what's best for us and others. To learn, we
need an open mind. To bend, we must stay open. Love and care become the
center of our lives.
Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, teach me that strength comes
from knowing how and when to bend.
Action for the Day: Today, I'll check myself. How open am I? Do I
bend when I need to?
Each Day a New Beginning
It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey
that matters, in the end. --Ursula K. LeGuin
Goals give direction to our lives. We need to know who we are and where
we want to go. But the trip itself, the steps we travel, offer us daily
satisfaction moment by moment--fulfillment, if we'd but realize it. Too
often we keep our sights on the goal's completion, rather than the
process--the day-to-day living that makes the completion possible.
How often do we think, "When I finish college, I'll feel stronger." Or,
"After the divorce is final, I can get back to work." Or even, "When I
land that promotion, my troubles are over." Life will begin "when"--or
so it seems in our minds. And when this attitude controls our thinking,
we pass up our opportunity to live, altogether.
Looking back on goals already completed in our lives, what so quickly
follows the end of a job well done is a let-down. And how sad that the
hours, the days, the weeks, maybe even the months we toiled are gone,
with little sense of all they could have meant.
Alcoholics Anonymous - First Edition
“As soon as I regained my ability to think, I went carefully over that
evening in Washington. Not only had I been off guard, I had made no
fight whatever against the first drink. This time I had not thought of
the consequences at all. I had commenced to drink as carelessly as
thought the cocktails were ginger ale. I now remembered what my
alcoholic friends had told me, how they prophesied that if I had an
alcoholic mind, the time and place would come—I would drink again. They
had said that though I did raise a defense, it would one day give way
before some trivial reason for having a drink. Well, just that did
happen and more, for what I had learned of alcoholism did not occur to
me at all. I knew from that moment that I had an alcoholic mind. I saw
that will power and self-knowledge would not help in those strange
mental blank spots. I had never been able to understand people who said
that a problem had them hopelessly defeated. I knew then. It was the
crushing blow.
pp. 41-42
Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth
Edition Stories
Trying to separate worlds was a lonely charade that ended when
this gay alcoholic finally landed in A.A.
Then a miracle occurred. An evening came when I decided to have
one drink outside and then go straight home. I had that drink and
left for my house. The next thing I remember is waking up the
next morning with a stranger I had picked up in a bar. Apparently
I had gone on autopilot and, in a blackout resulting from just one
drink, had gone on a tear. The look of disgust and pity on the
face of the stranger was the jolt I needed. I suddenly realized
that my life was totally insane, that my drinking was out of control,
and that I was either an alcoholic or a candidate for committal to the
local asylum. Not wanting to be locked up, I decided to try
Alcoholics Anonymous.
p. 364
Twelve Steps and Twelve
Seven - "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings."
During this process of learning more about humility, the most profound
result of all was the change in our attitude toward God. And this was
true whether we had been believers or unbelievers. We began to get over
the idea that the Higher Power was a sort of bush-league pinch hitter,
to be called upon only in an emergency. The notion that we would still
live our own lives, God helping a little now and then, began to
evaporate. Many of us who had thought ourselves religious awoke to the
limitations of this attitude. Refusing to place God first, we had
deprived ourselves of His help. But now the words "Of myself I am
nothing, the Father doeth the works" began to carry bright promise and
p. 75
God, help me find and create true joy and peace in my world.
--Melody Beattie
I have been given a quiet place in bright sunshine.
It doesn't matter what we have done in the past.
--Melody Beattie
Learning and maturation in the life of the spirit cannot be hurried,
and as in physical and intellectual development, a great deal depends
on our readiness.
--Mary McDermott Shideler
God's will never takes me where his grace will not sustain me.
--Ruth Humlecker
Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door to everlasting love.
Antidote for stress:
Take a deep breath and think of something that pleases you.
An argument had with a spouse is a loving moment lost forever.
Father Leo's Daily Meditation
"The hottest places in Hell are
reserved for those, who in time
of great moral crises, maintain
their neutrality."
-- Dante Alighieri
Each human being makes a personal hell here on earth. Often we do
it not by what we perpetrate but in what we allow to happen. So much
of the loneliness and isolation that many addicts and their families
experience is caused by them remaining hidden and silent. The
pretense that everything is okay is not only untrue but deadly.
Silence and compliance kills more addicts than a thousand needles!
Today I choose not to be neutral in my life. I speak about my
alcoholism so that I can on a daily basis make war on the disease that
nearly killed me. I speak out about the disease of addiction so that
society cannot say that it did not know what was happening. I speak
up for treatment and recovery because I know it can work in the vast
majority of cases. I am not neutral when it comes to addiction
because I am fighting for my life.
God, give me the courage to speak up in the crowd; let me live the
message I was privileged to receive.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be
afraid, nor be
dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
God is not unjust, he will not forget your work and the love you have
shown him as you
have helped people and continue to help them.
Hebrews 6:10
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we
do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to
all people, especially
to those who belong to the family of believers.
Galatians 6:9-10
Daily Inspiration
Life isn't always fair, but don't let that stop you from making the
world a better place every chance you get. Lord, help me to serve You
where I am right now.
The first and most powerful commandment is love. Through love we unite
ourselves together with God and with each other and bring ourselves
closer to our desired goal. Lord, I love You with all my heart and soul
and mind.
NA Just For Today
The Process
"This program has become a part of
me.... I understand more clearly the things that are happening in my
life today I no longer fight the process."
Basic Text, p. 78
In active addiction, things happened
seemingly without rhyme or reason. We just "did things"; often without
knowing why or what the results would be. Life had little value or
The Twelve Step process gives meaning
to our lives; in working the steps, we come to accept both the dark and
the bright sides of ourselves. We strip away the denial that kept us
from comprehending addiction's affect on us. We honestly examine
ourselves, picking out the patterns in our thoughts, our feelings, and
our behavior We gain humility and perspective by fully disclosing
ourselves to another human being. In seeking to have our shortcomings
removed, we develop a working appreciation of our own powerlessness and
the strength provided by a Power greater than we are. With our enhanced
understanding of ourselves, we gain greater insight into and acceptance
of others.
The Twelve Steps are the key to a
process we call "life": In working the steps, they become a part of
us—and we become a part of the life around us. Our world is no longer
meaningless; we understand more about what happens in our lives today.
We no longer fight the process. Today, in working the steps, we live it.
Just for today: Life is a process;
the Twelve Steps are the key. Today, I will use the steps to
participate in that process, understanding and enjoying myself and my
You are reading from the book Today's
I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
and what I assume, you shall assume. --Walt Whitman
Some of us may think Walt Whitman
must have been terribly conceited to have written words like that. But
he wasn't. He knew himself well, and accepted himself, even his darker
side. He could laugh at himself and celebrate his humanness.
And because he loved and accepted
himself just as he was, others could do the same. That's difficult to
understand sometimes, but it's true: no one else is going to love and
accept us until we come to love and accept ourselves.
We teach others how to treat us by
the way we treat ourselves, so perhaps it makes sense to apply a
variation of the Golden Rule: "Do unto ourselves as we would have
others do unto us."
Can I allow my kindness to myself
overflow to another person today?
You are reading from the book
Heaven ne'er helps the men who will
not act. --Sophocles
Growing into masculine wholeness is a
journey into greater responsibility for our lives. We have choices to
make every day. Taking responsibility means choosing between the
options we have and then accepting the consequences. Sometimes both
choices are undesirable, but we have to choose anyway. Do I expect to
be perfect in my choices? Do I demand that someone else take
responsibility for me? Do I defiantly refuse to accept the options I
This program seems like a paradox-
the First Step asks us to accept our powerlessness, then we are
expected to go on and stop being passive in our lives. The Serenity
Prayer speaks to us about this dilemma. We ask for the serenity to
accept what we cannot change and the courage to change what we can.
Fully admitting our powerlessness sheds a burden and frees us to go on
from there, actively doing what we can.
If something is awaiting my action
today, may I have the courage to move forward with it. Even small
movement is progress.
You are reading from the book The
Language Of Letting Go.
Higher Power as a Source
I've learned I can take care of
myself, and what I cant do, God will do for me. --Al Anon member
God, a Higher Power as we understand
Him, is our source of guidance and positive change. This doesn't mean
were not responsible for ourselves. We are. But we aren't in this alone.
Recovery is not a do it yourself
project. We don't have to become overly concerned about changing
ourselves. We can do our part, relax, and trust that the changes well
experience will be right for us.
Recovery means we don't have to look
to other people as our source to meet our needs. They can help us, but
they are not the source.
As we learn to trust the recovery
process, we start to understand that a relationship with our Higher
Power is no substitute for relationships with people. We don't need to
hide behind religious beliefs or use our relationship with a Higher
Power as an excuse to stop taking responsibility for ourselves and
taking care of ourselves in relationships. But we can tap into and
trust a Power greater than ourselves for the energy, wisdom, and
guidance to do that.
Today, I will look to my Higher Power
as a source for all my needs, including the changes I want to make in
my recovery.
I will not forget that every moment
of every day I can be God-centered and joyous. The goal I'm striving
toward will carry with it a special gift; it will offer the growing
person within me an extra thrill, if I've attended to the journey as
much as its end.
Today I will stop and ask, "How
important is it?" When I find myself defending or trying to prove my
point, I am in the process of learning to trust my own truth. When it
feels right inside, I am seeing that is all that I need. --Ruth Fishel
Journey to the Heart
One Step at a Time
One step at a time. That’s all you
can take, That’s all you have to take,
Yes, you have visions you’ve created
of where you want to go. But you don’t get there in one leap. You get
there one step at a time. That’s how you receive your guidance. That’s
how you respond to the guidance you’ve received.
Let your faith be strong. Your faith
will keep you going through those moments in between steps. When your
faith is strong, you don’t look in fear at the journey ahead, wondering
if you will get all the guidance you need, or if you will get to where
you’re going. You know you will, so take the simple steps, one at a
time, that lie ahead. You take them in joy, because you know you’re
being guided. You have faith that the simple steps you are led to do
will take you to your destination.
One step at a time. That’s how you
will get where you are going. You are being led, each step of the way.
More Language Of Letting Go
Allow for differences
He’s rational. He wants examples of
the problem and wants to focus on and find a solution.
She wants to talk about how she feels.
He wants to sit in front of the
television and click the remote control.
She wants to cuddle on the couch and
look into his eyes.
He deals with his stress by playing
basketball with his friends, tinkering with the car or going for a hike.
She wants to go to a movie,
preferably one that makes her cry.
I spent much of my life thinking that
men and women– and generally all people– should just be the same. It
took me a long time to realize that while we have much in common with
other people, we’re each unique.
It took me even longer to realize
that the practical application of this meant I had to learn to allow
for differences between the people I loved and myself.
Just because we have something in
common with someone, and might even think we’re in love, doesn’t mean
that each person is going to respond and be the same.
So often in our relationships, we try
to get the other person to behave the way we want. This forcing of our
will on them will ultimately become a great strain. It can also block
love. When we’re trying to change someone else, we overlook his or her
gifts. We don’t value the parts of the person that are different from
us, because we’re too busy trying to change the person into someone
Allow for differences, but don’t just
allow. Appreciate the differences. Value what each person has to offer
and the gifts each person can bring.
Learn to say whatever, with a spark
of amusement and curiosity, when someone isn’t the same as you. Try
getting a kick out of the unique way each person approaches life.
God, help me understand the rich
gifts that letting go of control will bring to my life.
The Energy of an Embrace
The need to touch and be touched is
established early in our lives, as we develop and grow in the
omnipresent embrace of our mother’s womb. Once we are born, separated
from that sanctuary of connectivity, we begin to crave the physical
embrace of our parents. As we age, we become more independent. Yet
during times of triumph or trouble and during those moments when we are
in need of reassurance, we can’t help but long for a hug.
Because a hug requires two active
participants, each individual taking part in the embrace experiences
the pleasure of being embraced and the joy that comes from hugging
someone. As both individuals wrap their arms around one another, their
energy blends together, and they experience a tangible feeling of
togetherness that lingers long after physical contact has been broken.
A heart hug is when you put your left arm over someone’s shoulder and
your right arm around their waist. As they do the same to you, your
hearts become aligned with one another other and loving, comforting
energy flows between the two of you to flood your souls with feelings
of love, caring, and compassion.
A hug is a pleasurable way to share
your feelings with someone who is important to you. Depending on your
relationship with the other person and the kind of message you wish to
send to them, a hug can communicate love, friendship, romance,
congratulations, support, greeting, and any other sentiment you wish to
convey. A hug communicates to others that you are there for them in a
positive way. In an instant, a hug can reestablish a bond between long
lost friends and comfort those in pain. The next time you hug someone,
focus all of your energy into the embrace. You will create a profound
connection that infuses your feelings and sentiments into a single
beautiful gesture. Published with permission from Daily OM
A Day At A Time
Reflection For The Day
We may not know any specifics about
the activities of today; we may not know whether we’ll be alone or with
others. We may feel the day contains too much time — or not enough. We
may be facing tasks we’re eager to complete, or tasks we’ve been
resisting. Though the details of each person’s day differ, each
person’s day does hold one similarity: We each have the opportunity to
choose to thing positive thoughts. The choice depends less on our
outside activities than on our inner commitment. Can I accept that I
alone have the power to control my attitude?
Today I Pray
May I keep the fire of inner
commitment alive through this whole, glorious day, whether my
activities are a succession of workaday tasks or free-form and
creative. May I choose to make this a good day for me, and for those
around me.
Today I Will Remember
Keep the commitment.
One More Day
Whatever limits us, we call fate.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
We like to plan ahead, but w cannot
plan for the ravages of chronic illness. No one expects to travel down
the winding road of an unhidden, unwanted trip. Unused to the whims of
a chronic illness, we may at first try to chart, plan, and control its
course. We may dwell too much on the medical conditions.
We cannot change the course of
illness, but we can influence its twists and turns by keeping a
positive frame of mind. Rather than being obsessed with how our medical
conditions are affecting us, we can focus on the many things we can
still do. Can we enjoy a sunset? Watch a child smile? Can we listen to
music or pursue a handcraft? Our angry, dour thoughts can be replaced
so easily with pleasant dreams, fond memories, and hope for the future.
I am feeling comfortable once again
as I finally realize that I can still make choices in how I want to
live my life.
Food For Thought
Doing What Feels Good
Doing anything as long as it feels good is a trap. We like to eat for
the sheer sensual pleasure of the experience, and we would like to
continue long after our need for nourishment has been met. Once our
appetites are out of control, we cannot stop, not even when the
pleasure has turned to pain.
Unbridled, uncontrolled sensuality will destroy us. Rational knowledge
of when to stop is not enough. We may know with our minds that we
should not be eating, but still be unable to stop the action of our
bodies. If we are unable to control our sensuality with our minds, then
how is it to be done?
OA members testify that there is One who has all power, including the
power to enlighten our darkness and prevent our self destruction.
Through daily contact with this Higher Power, we develop spiritual
strength which will control and direct our physical drives so that they
do not control and destroy us.
Take my sensuality, Lord, and control it.
One Day At A Time
"March is the month of expectation,
the things we do not know,
The 'Persons of Prognostication' are
coming now."
~ Emily Dickinson
I'm not sure whether it's because I'm
embroiled at the moment in working the Steps I love so much ... or
whether the beginnings of Springtime are beginning to happen ... but
there is a feeling that I have that "something" is beginning. The long
winters of life have taken their toll on me and when I experience this
awesome feeling of hope I am grateful.
If there were doubts of the promises
coming true, March overshadows them. If the Spring and Summer times of
program loomed large in the distance, they are no longer. Just the
smell of a new Spring morning is enough to know that hope for
spiritual, emotional and physical wellness abounds.
One day at a time ... I must forget
the winters of my life and hold on to the promises of March ... and of
my Twelve Step program.
~ A TRG Member
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Assuming we are spiritually fit, we
can do all sorts of things alcoholics are not supposed to do. People
have said we must not go where liquor is served; we must not have it in
our homes; we must shun friends who drink; we must avoid moving
pictures which show drinking scenes; we must not go into bars; our
friends must hide their bottles if we go to their houses; we mustn't
think or be reminded about alcohol at all. Our experience shows that
this is not necessarily so. - Pg. 100-101 - Working With Others
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Are we remembering the so-called
'good times' right now? How nice a 'high' would be? We use this hour to
REALLY think about what got us to this fight for sobriety. It wasn't
because we were having a lot of fun!
Thank you, God, for the beautiful day
I'm going to have if I can just get rid of my attitude.
Recall a Pleasant Moment: Soothe the
Heart and You Soothe the Self
You can calm and nourish your heart
by regularly meditating or praying. These activities produce the
'relaxation response' - a physiological state that is exactly the
opposite of stress - a state that reduces blood pressure and increases
blood flow to the heart. Many forms of meditation and prayer
organically incorporate feelings of love, appreciation and forgiveness.
Some traditional Buddhist practice use 'loving-kindness meditation,'
during which they focus their attention on the heart and generate
feelings of loving kindness for others and themselves. Not only does
this create the feelings in your mind, but it creates them in the body
as well. A form of such 'intentional heart focus' has been found by the
HeartMath researchers to create greater coherence in the heart in as
little as one minute. To experience the benefits of this 'intentional
heart focus,' try the following next time you're feeling stressed: Take
a break and mentally disengage from the situation. Bring your attention
to the area of your heart. Recall an experience with a loved one in
which you felt happiness, love or appreciation or just meditate for a
moment on those kinds of thoughts and feelings.
Re-experience these feelings while
keeping your attention on your heart. Let your breathing be relaxed and
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
There are no victims, only
volun-teers. When we cry, 'They did this to me. They did that to me.'
what we are really saying, is I placed myself in a position for this or
that to happen. I volunteered for it.
I volunteer for sobriety today.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
What if there is no God? Believe
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Where I am at this moment is perfect.
My past is my friend today as I take the lessons that I can learn from
it and say thank you. Everything that has brought me to this moment is
a gift and I am a stronger and wiser person because of it.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
We're all here because we're not all
there.- Fr Joe M.
AA Thought for the Day
March 4
I never have been and never can be
As that realization became a part of
me -- and it took time --
it brought me one of the greatest of
the many blessings that have come to me from AA.
I learned to accept myself as a
fallible human being.
I do not have to strive for
perfection. Mistakes are permissible. I have the right to be wrong.
And what a comfort that thought is to
me, as I make my bemused way through life,
one foot in a bucket, pushing on
doors marked "Pull."
- The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 2],
pp. 167-168
Thought to Ponder . . .
Give me the courage to be imperfect.
AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = Always Awesome.
~*~A.A. Thoughts For The Day~*~
"Suppose we fall short of the chosen
ideal and stumble? Does this mean we are going to get drunk? Some
people tell
us so. But this is only a half-truth.
It depends on us and our motives. If we are sorry for what we have
done, and have the
honest desire to let God take us to
better things, we believe we will be forgiven and will have learned our
lesson. If we
are not sorry, and our conduct
continues to harm others, we are quite sure to drink.
"Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 70
TRUST Try Relying Upon The Steps
*~*~*~*~*^Just For Today!^*~*~*~*~*
>From "Fear of Fear":
"Many women who have reached the
stage that I had reached in my drinking have lost husbands, children,
everything they hold dear. I have
been very fortunate in many ways. The important thing I lost was my own
self-respect. I
could feel fear coming into my life.
I couldn't face people. I couldn't look them straight in the eyes,
although I had always
been a self-possessed, brazen person.
I'd brazen anything out. I lied like a trooper to get out of many
"But I felt a fear coming into my
life, and I couldn't cope with it. I got so that I hid quite a bit of
the time, wouldn't answer
the phone, and stayed by myself as
much as I could. I noticed that I was avoiding all my social friends,
except for my
bridge club. I couldn't keep up with
many of my other friends, and I wouldn't go to anyone's house unless I
knew they
drank as heavily as I did. I never
knew it was the first drink that did it. I thought I was losing my mind
when I realized that I
couldn't stop drinking. That
frightened me terribly."
2001 AAWS, Inc., Fourth Edition;
Alcoholics Anonymous, pgs. 291-92
*~*~*~*~*^ Grapevine Quote ^*~*~*~*~*
"Alcoholics have short memories."
Paradise, Calif., October 2003
"'How It Works Works for Me"
Beginner's Book: Getting and Staying
Sober in AA
~*~*~*~*^ Big Book & Twelve N' Twelve
Quotes of the Day ^*~*~*~*~*
"When we decide who is to hear our
story, we waste no time. We have
a written inventory and we are
prepared for a long talk. We explain
to our partner what we are about to
do and why we have to do it. He
should realize that we are engaged
upon a life-and-death errand.
Most people approached in this way
will be glad to help; they will be
honored by our confidence."
Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition,
Into Action, pg. 75
"Despite all we can say, many who are
real alcoholics are not going
to believe they are in that class. By
every form of self deception
and experimentation, they will try to
prove themselves exceptions to
the rule, therefore nonalcoholic. If
anyone who is showing inability
to control his drinking can do the
right about face and drink like a
gentleman, our hats are off to him.
Heaven knows, we have tried hard
enough and long enough to drink like
other people!"
~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition,
More About Alcoholism, pg. 31~
For alcoholism had been a lonely
business, even though we had been surrounded by people who loved us.
-Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
p. 116
Misc. AA Literature - Quote
Free of Dependence
I asked myself, 'Why can't the Twelve
Steps work to release me from this unbearable depression?' By the hour,
I stared
at the St. Francis Prayer: 'It is
better to comfort than to be comforted .'
Suddenly I realized what the answer
might be. My basic flaw had always been dependence on people or
to supply me with prestige, security,
and confidence. Failing to get these things according to my
perfectionist dreams
and specifications, I fought for
them. And when defeat came, so did my depression.
Reinforced by what grace 1 could find
in prayer, I had to exert every ounce of will and action to cut off
these faulty
emotional dependencies upon people
and upon circumstances. Then only could I be free to love as Francis
had loved.
Prayer For The Day: Dear Lord, please help me to do what I
can, and understand that I cannot do everything. Help me make what I
can do count.